Workshops for families

The family workshops offer a fun and creative way for families with 6 -12-year-olds to learn more about the collection.

Workshops for families


The shapes, and especially volumes of the dresses generate a first inhabitable space between the “I” and the “we”. During this workshop, the participating families will use geometric pieces of lace to make a new dressing space of kaleidoscopic forms. The resulting silhouettes will appear under the effect of the light to reveal the play on transparencies.

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Workshops for families


This initiative will introduce the participating families to the eco-printing technique, a botanical printing method of producing  textile designs taking their inspiration from nature. The families will create their own print, stamping the fabric with the colour, outline and texture of tinctorial materials including leaves, flowers, bark or stalks. Create your own unrepeatable piece, with an unpredictable result!

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Workshops for families


This activity will turn the spotlight on the coverings of buildings and heads. Starting from the wide variety of shapes into which Cristóbal Balenciaga’s hats and headdresses are moulded, the participating families will be invited to create new hat-roof proposals.

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